The breeze thru the lilac trees

The Breeze Through the Lilac Trees

So goes the breeze thru the lilac trees

Ladies in cotton dresses canning fruits

Mason jars of sweet tea

Lemonade made with real lemons not Realemon

White men in short sleeved white shirts and black string ties

Black men bare chested and sweaty

So goes the breeze thru the lilac trees

Front porches   rocking chairs

Plank floors not hardwood floors

Grannies and ma’ams

Please and thank yous

Church fans with mortuary names stamped on the back and

A blonde haired blue eyed jesus on the front knocking at the door

So goes the breeze thru the lilac trees

Little colored boys and little colored girls in pastel colors

Little white girls in hats and white patent leather shoes

So goes the breeze thru the lilac trees

White, pink, fuschia, blue and purle

Crochected dollies – sideboards

Ruffles on dresses  curtains  and bedspreads

So goes the breeze thru the lilac trees

Mendacity       Ben quick and Clara varner

Red dirt  red necks  red beans

White starch  tight laced

Air force Blue  khaki green  Orange Crush

So goes the breeze thru the lilac trees

Swimming holes not swimming pools

Dinner at  noon

Supper at six and if its really really hot, not till eight

When everything cools off even the cook

Montgomery   Selma    George Wallace

Water hoses  edmund pettus   dogs

For whites only no coloreds allowed

Fish sandwich   honky tonk

So goes the breeze thru the lilac trees

Malls and stalls and concrete lanes

Busy busy busy

Poor folks and rich folks

Cell phones not jail cells

Tee shirts and jeans


Back porches  patios   air conditioning

So went the breeze thru the lilac trees

An original poem by elizabooks

By Eliza D. Ankum

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