Chicago’s Labor Day Weekend Shooting Stats

I have just finished watching ABC Channel 7’s 4 O’clock evenings News broadcast and was delighted to learn that the weekend shooting stats have dropped from 59 shootings two weekends ago down to 40 shootings this weekend. Continue reading

Seek And Ye Shall Find. Matthew 7:7

The reason I didn’t post this last night was because of some of what I wrote.  I thought people would have a problem with the content.  So, I decided to wait and see how I felt about what I’d written before I posted it. Continue reading

Another One Bites The Dust

Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan, D-Chicago AP file photo

Lately, I’ve been pushing even harder to get the 24/7/365 screaming and stalking stopped. I’m in my sixties now, and a lot of the stuff these girls are screaming at me have become obsolete and ridiculous.  Plus, it’s costing Maywood way too much in terms of financial growth and reputation.   I think the stalkers got desperate.

An excerpt from my last post, A Follow up on A Post

I and my stalkers returned to Chicago, from New Orleans, in late November 1991.

You can click the link below to see how many Illinois politicians were convicted before 1991 and how many afterwards.

Operation Silver Shovel  (View WTTW’s video on Silver Shovel

Governor George Ryan

Governor Blagojevich

Dan Rostenkowski

Dennis Hastert

Aaron Schock

Betty Loren-Maltese

William Beavers

Barbara Byrd-Bennett

Edward Vrdolyak

Isaac “Ike” Carothers

Willie Cochran

Jesse Jackson, Jr.

I’m also writing this post today to warn all of our newly elected officials and some long term incumbents (Ed Burke) that the Maywood Police is finally trying to quell some of the screaming and hollering, and as a result, those people stalking me will be out looking for dirt, on you, to trade as leverage with the FBI so that they can get back to sexually harassing me 24/7/365.

And finally, when the people stalking me were allowed to sexually harass me in Church four weeks ago, I realized that this was no longer something you were being forced to do by the FBI, but rather, something you were choosing to do.

Now, what I’ve noticed during the past few summers which have had an exceptional amount of shootings that the Police have blamed on ‘gang violence,’ is that our mind-reading family of girls have NEVER EVER turned in any of the gang leaders.  

The problem of gang violence could have been solved, in Chicago, by now.  But it’s not.  You think about that when you hear the number of Black people shot over this weekend.

And, yet, people tell me I’m crazy when I say that a branch of the same mind reading stalkers stalking me have anything to do with the violence in Chicago.   Really?

A Tiny Kitten With A Big Mouth
Eliza D. Ankum

PS  Regarding Cloud Gate or The Bean. I just woke up to the fact that the technology exists to create a ship that reflects the sky and clouds around it.



A Follow-up To A Post

Cloud Gate is a public sculpture by Indian-born British artist Sir Anish Kapoor

With regards to my post entitled, 25 Years Ago. The Great Chicago Heat Wave, I’d like to clarify one thing.

In regards to the dream, I did for a long time think that I had hallucinated the whole thing.  That Is, until the installation of the sculpture, pictured above, known as The Bean. Continue reading

60 Minutes – Attacking America

TV stations signing off each night with the National Anthem, a long tone and the test pattern above. Saved to Pintrest by Jill Dwight

Last night, I watched CBS’ 60 Minutes.  And Scott Pelley was doing an update on one of his segments entitled‘Attacking Americans’, about the mental attacks on American government personnel stationed in China and Cuba.

I had watched the original broadcast, a few months back, but felt that the time wasn’t right for me to write about what I know.  Last night, however, I heard Scott Pelley say that the NSA was looking for the microwave machine that made the noise that the people in China and Cuba heard that tortured them so much.

Well, the NSA is never going to find that machine.   Because it’s not a machine.   It’s a person or persons.

I know that because the family stalking me can and does do that to me.  Whenever I have something important to do the next day, I’m usually tortured with a loud, almost ear piercing noise, that keeps me awake so that I’m tired the next day.   What’s more, that noise is person particular.


I chose the logo above, because it pertains to the noise I hear.   During the decades that I was being stalked, people have told me they thought I was being stalked because I was out partying and having sex with married men.  But in reality, I was at home watching TV, sometimes until it signed off, because men were too afraid to date me.    All that TV watching turned out to be a learning tool.  And because of it, I’ve had occasions to write for some TV shows.

If you watch the video below, until the very end, you can experience the sound I hear at night before an important event.

So, when I was watching 60 Minutes last night, I thought perhaps the two people affected in China were go-getters, eager to do a good job, and get America back in charge of China.  And probably said something like, “if we get this right, we’ll have the Chinese economy circling the drain.”   And that’s why they heard the noise they heard.

The diplomats and their workers in Cuba probably had a different saying or joke about Cuba and therefore heard something entirely different.

Now, here’s the thing that I’ve been hiding and didn’t want to get mainstreamed, but I think the time has come, these people can hurt you both physically and mentally.   All they have to do is think it.

So CBS and the NSA, if you want to find that machine, you can head out to Maywood, Illinois where a group of these machines is up and loudly active, stalking me every day.

This is so important, that I’m giving you my book’s direct on-line address, so that you can read it for free because I think a lot of this country’s violence is directly related to Maywood allowing these people to do whatever they want without consequences.


Eliza D. Ankum
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