Neil deGrasse Tyson On The View

Dear Mr. Tyson I saw your interview on The View this morning and was bowled over by your answer that we are the only intelligent life in space.  I beg to differ with you.

I remember not so long ago that doctors, yes real medical doctors, thought that ulcers were caused by stress. 

I remember reading about how early strummers believed that the Sun revolved around the Earth and that Earth was the center of our planetary system.

I remember, not so long ago, in the 1970s, that scientists believed that there were no other planets nor planetoids beyond Neptune’s orbit but poor little Pluto.

And yet, there is.

Mr. Tyson, why is that neither you nor any other scientist can explain why it’s NOT possible to walk from daylight into darkness on our planet.   The picture above looks as though you should be able to.  And yet, you can’t.   Interesting.

Ok.  That one is hard to explain.  So, answer this one, for me.  I’ve been pondering it for a while. 

Why is space dark?

I know you’re going to tell me because of the absence of light.  Right.  Wrong!

What is darkness? And why does it seem to have a purpose?

Look at all those galaxies, like our Milky Way, with millions and millions, and millions of suns, like our Sun.  And yet, space is still dark.

Now, as to why those tic-tac objects are following our military plans.  I think the link below hints at just what we’re capable of doing.  And because they aren’t ‘visitors’ anymore – they share the space right above earth with us – they might require enough notice of our impending dome to get their people out of harm’s way.

Now, as to why people aren’t reporting seeing their ship.

And, just so you know, before the pandemic, when I’d finished walking the dog and was relaxing in a lawn chair in front of the house, I’d see a large round shadow, maybe 20 to 30 feet in diameter, come from the west over the top of the house, then proceed slowly out across over the park.  The shadow would ease along slowly, without making a sound, heading east.  And by the time it came to the end of the park where the school buildings started, it had disappeared.

I used to ignore that shadow, thinking that it was a perfectly round cloud, until I saw some of the young Hispanic soccer players looking up towards the sky while chasing after the shadow.  My first thought was, “Good luck, guys, seeing what it is.  You’re probably looking right at it, but can’t see it, because it’s reflecting the sky and clouds around it.”

One thing worth noting is, that I haven’t seen that shadow since the pandemic started.  But, then again, I don’t walk the dog, every day like I used to.

But, I will tell you, Mr. Tyson, that the idea of us being alone in the Universe is as old as the notion that stress causes ulcers.

They’re caused by helicobacter pylori, just in case you don’t know.

Oh, here’s my cate video

A Tiny Kitten With A Big Mouth


Eliza D. Ankum

Has anyone seen The Bean?

The Bean aka Cloudgate

Earth Creature In His Native Habitat

Eighteen years – yes 18 – years ago, after exhausting every Law Enforcement Agency (Maywood Police, Cook County States’ Attorney, Three Lawyers, Illinois Attorney General, Chicago FBI, and the Langley Behavioral Science Unit), I realized help was not coming.

Which meant that the people – and I use that term very lightly – stalking me 24/7/365 would be stalking me for the rest of my life.

There were times when I literally felt as if I’d been abducted and set down on an alien planet where I was being used as a circus freak like in that Twilight Zone episode, entitled,People Are Alike All Over“.  

I felt like I was in some kind of invisible cage where my deepest personal moments and thoughts were being displayed as amusement for the beings of this planet.  Where it was.   And there was absolutely no regard given to me as a human.

I’d fall asleep at night dreaming of a way home.  Back to the real Earth.  Where people had morals and values and such a thing could not, would not happen.   

So, at age the ripe old age of 50, I started doing research.  Research to find out where I was and how long it would take to get back to Earth.  

In doing so, I realized I’d need some sort of transportation and I’d also need to learn how to drive such transportation.   Then, if such a miracle occurred, and I somehow found such transportation, I’d need food, water, and oxygen.  

Realizing the scale of such an endeavor, I decided to stop fantasizing about returning to Earth and live my best life here.  Wherever here was. 

Along the way, I learned a few things about the people stalking me.

1.  If I lived another 68 years, they’d still be stalking me.

2.  They know how to pretend to be human.  But, they behave more like robots.

3.  A sort of mental illness attacks them early.  At the onset of puberty, they become highly, highly sexualized.  For them, it’s NOT a question of if you like them or don’t like them.  You’re not given a choice.  They use their unique abilities to force themselves upon you. 

4.  In their late 40s and 50s, they go off the rails.  Completely bonkers.  I don’t know if this is a product of species mixing (not race mixing) or their mind-reading abilities.   I’ve tried getting an answer, from them, on this, but they’re very secretive about it.

5.  They don’t like change.  They will repeat the same thing thousands upon thousands of times.

6.  They’ve gathered around them people with not so normal minds.  Rapists, murders, arsonists, and those willing to do just about anything for a price.

7.  Left unchecked, the original ones, have learned to do some amazing things.  But, their ‘gifts’ aren’t from God.  They’re bioengineered.  And don’t for one second believe they’re angels.  If they are, they’re the Fallen Ones (as Mr. Abraham Jones said in his slave narratives, “he saw the stars fall from the sky.”

8.  And one of the things they’ve learned to do is, kill with their minds.  And they enjoy it.   They take great pleasure in hurting and killing people.  Especially, if they can manipulate, with their mind, into getting a regular person to kill other regular people.  I call it a Mr. Brooks situation.

And some of these things I’ve shared with Maywood Police Chief Vladimir Talley.  That, regardless of what people thought, I have always been aware that I’m being stalked. 

But, I kept that to myself, because I wanted to know, ‘What the hell is going on?’

Now, I know.  The other beings of the Universe hide themselves from us, because we’re the descendants of a murder who have embraced and become murderers.

But this girl, woman, the pack’s leader, knew who I would become and wants it known that they exist. She’s not into hiding.

A Tiny Kitten With A Big Mouth


Eliza D. Ankum

What Can An Alien Do To You?

Before I answer that question let me clear up something else.

And that something else is why you don’t seen a bunch of ‘cloud white’ men roaming around on Earth.  The answer is in the picture above.

Biological experimentation.

The aliens here on Earth have no qualms about biological experimentation.  That’s the first thing, besides their color, that struck me the most when I saw the horse and its rider.  I remember, at that time, I wanted to be a scientist.   And as I watched that horse float to a stop, I couldn’t help but wonder, what must be the tensile strength of those wings?  They were holding up a monumental amount of weight.  That of the horse itself and that of the rider.  That’s why the first question out of my mouth that day was, “What is that horse standing on?”   Because, I realized that horse had been cross-bred for just that purpose.

A few years ago, after listening to the ‘people’ stalking me go on and on and on about what a horrible person I am, and how I stink, and that I’m fat and ugly, and so on, and so on, it occurred to me, “What if the aliens had cross-bred people?  What if that’s why they had landed a bunch of their people in the all-Black town of Village Springs in the county of Russell, Alabama back on November 13, 1833?” 

To breed with a people for a purpose.  A people who would be over-looked but also needed to do lower-class jobs (cooks, housekeepers, maids, shoe shine boys, porters) that would take them, not only into the halls of power, but also into the very homes of power.   The aliens had put boots on the ground.

And let me tell you, there is something very odd about this ‘new breed’ of people.  To say that these ‘new breed’ of people are OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) Compromised is putting it mildly.   For example:

Google Search question:

How long is the average stalker active?

Statistics About Victims:

73% of intimate partner stalkers verbally threatened victims with physical violence, and almost 64% of victims experienced one or more violent incidents by the stalker. Average duration of stalking is 1.8 years. If stalking involves intimate partners, average duration is 2.2 years.

Well, the ‘people’ stalking me, also from Latham, Alabama have been stalking me for well over 60 years (30 of those sixty years have taken place here in Maywood, Illinois).  And they will repeat the exact same things, in the exact same tone and timber of voice.  Every single day. As if they were saying it for the very first time.

Now to answer that original question.  “What can aliens do to you?

They are able to make some people, not all, of the people around you believe and do some of the most improvable and heinous things you’ve ever imagined.

Say for instance, go to work or school and kill eight or more of their co-workers, schoolmates, and even total strangers.

Or play the ‘victim’ so convincingly that you find yourself on the run over something you haven’t done.  And why?  Because they perceive you as a threat.  Someone who will eventually reveal their presence here on Earth.

They know all about us.  So, I think it’s time we got our heads out of the sand and learn all about them.   We need to stop pretending we’re all alone in a very vast universe.  

Known Galaxies

But more than anything, we need to stop saying to ourselves that we’re so goddamn perfect that God never made another man, again.

Or, at the very least, accept the alternative:

A Tiny Kitten With A Big Mouth
Eliza D. Ankum

Author of

Flight 404 – A Novel of Aviation Disaster
Ruby Sanders (The Ruby and Jared Saga Book 1)
Jared Anderson (The Ruby and Jared Saga Book 2)
Ruby and Jared (The Ruby and Jared saga Book 3)
OneThreeThirteen – A Presidential Agent Novel Series Book 1
The Hunt For Red November  A Presidential Agent Novel Series Book 2
Mr. President – A Presidential Agent Novel Series Book 3

Dancing With The Fat Woman
Thou Shalt Eat Dust – A Second Chance Love Story
Eleanor Grunsback – An Ugly Woman’s Love Story

Discreet: The Black College Girl Murders
STALKED! By Voices
A Tiny Kitten With A Big Mouth

Boots On The Ground In Alabama

Believe it or not, it is only a three hour and 18 minute drive from the Russell, Alabama in the link above – where the first noted alien landing occurred – to Latham, Alabama, where I encountered a cloud white man riding a winged white horse.

If I’d been part of NASA, and had heard of this story, I would have had boots on the ground crawling all over that area. 

Too late now, however.   The FBI, after I’d notified them of the people stalking me, were only interested in getting the dirt on Chicago politicians.

And everyone else was only interested in making me think I was crazy.

Alabama is probably a no-go by now, since most of the second generation landers have moved on. Colorado, for sure.

Instead, the government should begin studying the Maywood stalkers.  And running every medical test imaginable trying to pinpoint the differences between ‘normal’ earth people and the ‘half earthlings and possibly half alien people stalking me.  After all, even crazy ‘normal’ people don’t stalk the same person for close to sixty years.  That’s just not ‘normal.’

A Tiny Kitten With A Big Mouth

Eliza D. Ankum

Author of

Flight 404 – A Novel of Aviation Disaster
Ruby Sanders (The Ruby and Jared Saga Book 1)
Jared Anderson (The Ruby and Jared Saga Book 2)
Ruby and Jared (The Ruby and Jared saga Book 3)
OneThreeThirteen – A Presidential Agent Novel Series Book 1
The Hunt For Red November  A Presidential Agent Novel Series Book 2Mr. President – A Presidential Agent Novel Series Book 3
Dancing With The Fat Woman
Thou Shalt Eat Dust – A Second Chance Love Story
Eleanor Grunsback – An Ugly Woman’s Love Story

Discreet: The Black College Girl Murders
STALKED! By Voices

An Answer To Val Warner’s Question On Whether UFOs And Aliens Are Real

I, personally, think that this little show of power was a shot across our bow, to express, loud and clear, their desire for us not spread our pandemic into space

Before I start this post, I wish to clarify that I have expressed time and again my belief that life beyond Earth exists.   And that conviction has come, not out of book knowledge nor observation of the skies.   No, that knowledge of other types of life has come from being stalked by one kind of them for my entire life. 

Most people, I’ve had the pleasure of knowing believe that the ‘supernatural’ powers belonging to the family stalking me were given them by God.  And that’s why so many of them believe God is punishing me and I therefore deserve this horror visited on me. 

I don’t believe that for one moment. 

What I do believe is that, some of us, are alien to this planet.  I believe that Cain killed his brother, Able.  And God punished Cain by banishing him from the Garden.  In other words, God banished Cain to Earth.  Literally, kicked him to the curb.   And, I believe that because some of the earliest sightings I’m going to tell you about have this new species on earth, dressed as Bible Characters but with amazing aircraft and abilities.  And, I also believe that some earth women, just as it says in the Bible, had intercourse with these new beings to Earth.   Trust me when I say, that when they zero in on you, it is all but impossible to get rid of them.  They have no empathy whatsoever. 

So, Ms. Warner, let’s get on with the three top reasons why the military has kept the reality of UFOs a secret.

First, there was the nation-wide panic caused by Orson Wells 1938 ‘War Of The World’ broadcast.  

I recently listened to it and the broadcast was quite well done.  And we must remember that back in 1938 the News Media was not what it is today.  People could not sit in their homes, tune in, and watch film of actual events on the 10 o’clock news.

Secondly, there’s Hitler’s killing of six million Jews, who he considered mud races, because he’d seen The White Horse Prophecy.  Literally, A White Man – and I do mean a typing paper white man – riding a white winged horse across the sky over his home in Germany.

Hitler re-established the idea of the Aryan Race based on this sighting.

“Adolf Hitler, the leader of the Nazi Party, argued that the Germans was superior to all other races. Hitler became obsessed with ‘racial purity’ and used the word ‘Aryan’ to describe his idea of a ‘pure German race’ or Herrenvolk. The ‘Aryan race’ had a duty to control the world.
The Nazis believed that the Aryans had the most “pure blood” of all the people on earth. The ideal Aryan had pale skin, blond hair and blue eyes.
Non-Aryans came to be seen as impure and even evil. Hitler believed that Aryan superiority was being threatened particularly by the Jews. Therefore, a hierarchy of ‘races’ was created with the Aryans at the top and with Jews, Gypsies and black people at the bottom. These ‘inferior’ people were seen as a threat to the purity and strength of the German nation

And, then, of course, there’s Christopher Columbus’ actual real-life journal telling of his sighting of strange lights that appeared over the front of his lead ship at night and stayed with his ships until the early morning when they flew back to where they came from. 

Good old Chris got curious as to where these lights were coming from and returning to.  So, he decided to follow them.  He may as well have, since he was way off course on finding a shortcut to India. 

But in following those lights, Christopher Columbus discovered America. 

Now, what Senator wants it publicly known that aliens helped Christopher Columbus discover America. 

Finally, these UFOs have been flying around in our atmosphere for thousands of years.  So long, in fact, that there are no fly zones in our sky that the military does not allow commercial airplanes to fly, so we, stay out of their way.

And as for that highly touted notion that it would take to many, many, many light years to get to another planet.  Forget it.  We actually come to them.  In the process of Earth’s revolving around the Sun, we pass through their spacial territory. 

Earth passes by Sirius also known as Canis Major , a white sun star*, bigger than our yellow sun star, once a year.   Sirius was so well known to the Egyptians that they set their calendars to its appearance.  As did the Greeks and the Polynesians

How far is Sirius away from Earth?

8.611light years.  But moving closer

According to modern astronomy, there are no known planets in the Sirius star system. However, according to the Dogon tribe in West Africa, the people that described the existence of the star Sirius B; and the DNA pattern of the stars Sirius A and B through space, claims there is indeed an unknown planet in the Sirius system. They call it ‘Nyan tolo’.

Furthermore, they claim that Nyan tolo is a ‘satellite’ of a hypothetical star called Sirius C.

In addition to the Dogon’s claims, the Mayan 260 day calendar may mark the orbital period of that same planet (satellite) around the theoretical star Sirius C.

How did the Dogon know about Sirius B?

The Nommos, according to the Dogon legend, lived on a planet that orbits another star in the Sirius system. They landed on Earth in an “ark” that made a spinning decent to the ground with great noise and wind. It was the Nommos that gave the Dogon the knowledge about Sirius B.

Oh, by the way Val, they are mentioned in the Bible.  2nd Kings Elijah taken up into Heaven on a Chariot of Fire.”    Exodus 13:21-22.   Pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of Fire by night.


Here’s my story:

As a 15 year old girl growing up in Latham, Alabama, I saw the same thing Hitler saw.   A White man on a winged White Horse.

The man’s skin was cloud white.  And his hair, cut short and tightly curled, was as white as his skin.  His eyes were a very pale watery blue with only a hint of pink on the bottom inner eyelid.  

He rode a white winged horse and was dressed in the armor of a Roman Centurion.  His sandals, the pleated skirt, and the cap-sleeved undershirt, as well as the breastplate were as white as his skin.   He was riding high up in the sky and I hadn’t noticed either of them until he called my name. 

“Eliza.”  It was said so softly that at first I thought I had imaged it.  Then he called me, again.  And when he called me the second time, my body (flesh, as it says in the Bible) turned to face him. 

At first, I was too busy trying to figure out how I got turned around and then he moved down closer.  That’s when I saw him.  He said, “Go ahead and look.”   I did.  He said to the horse who wanted to leave, “Whoa!  (The name of the horse, he mumbled so I couldn’t hear it) I know she can see us.  It’s OK.  And I just stood there, studying every detail of him. 

After I’d finished looking, I stupidly asked, “What is that horse standing on.” 

His reply.  “What does it look like he’s standing on?”

“Air.  But that’s not possible.”

“You’re standing on the ground.  But, I don’t get upset about that.”


And that’s when it happened.

The girls, who’d started stalking me right before I started first grade, giggled. 

He took immediate offense.  His right that had been holding the horse’s reigns reached back to pull an arrow from the quiver on his back.  But, the arrow jumped out of the quiver on it’s on accord, into to his hand. 

That’s when I took off running.  And for years and years, I would have sworn that I ran straight to my house.  But, I know that’s not what happened. 

As I’ve thought about this over the past fifty years, I know for a fact that I was stopped and turned back around.  And he had this angry look on his face.  He was angry that I ran from him. He had this look on his face that just read, you’re an idiot.  Instead, he said.  “Eliza.  If I wanted to kill you, I could have done it a long time ago.”  

And I watched him turn the horse around, and the horse galloped upwards, higher into the sky, and they disappeared into the clouds.   After which, I was standing in the doorway of my mother’s house.  There was a darkness in it.

I decided not to tell anyone what I’d experienced because I didn’t want the same thing happening to me that had happened to Bernadette, when she saw an alien dressed as Mary The Mother of Jesus.

I didn’t understand the significance of his calling me by my name, until years later.  He knew my name which meant he’d been watching my family.  Which made sense of what he said when I became startled and took off running.  He said, “Eliza.  If I wanted to kill you, I could have done it a long time ago.”   I still kept running because I’d noticed that his mouth didn’t move when he talked.

Here’s the link to the first time I wrote about seeing him. And I wrote it as a response to a rather famous Senator expressing his belief as to what this ‘rider of the clouds was going to do to our civilization.

I’m sure these folks have seen him, too.

A Tiny Kitten With A Big Mouth
Eliza D. Ankum

Author of

Flight 404 – A Novel of Aviation Disaster
Ruby Sanders (The Ruby and Jared Saga Book 1)
Jared Anderson (The Ruby and Jared Saga Book 2)
Ruby and Jared (The Ruby and Jared saga Book 3)
OneThreeThirteen – A Presidential Agent Novel Series Book 1
The Hunt For Red November  A Presidential Agent Novel Series Book 2Mr. President – A Presidential Agent Novel Series Book 3
Dancing With The Fat Woman
Thou Shalt Eat Dust – A Second Chance Love Story
Eleanor Grunsback – An Ugly Woman’s Love Story
STALKED! By Voices