One Of The Reasons Why He’s Refusing To Step Down

During last night’s debate, Joe Biden mention that one of the reasons why Donald Trump is in such a hurry to get Amy Coney Barrett on the Supreme Court is so she can overturn Obama Care.

So, I asked myself why would a 74 year old man be so cavalier about overturning Obama Care (Health Care Insurance) during a pandemic?

My Google search question was:

“Is medical care for the president free?

Answer is:

The WHMU (White House Medical Unit) provides free healthcare to the President, Vice President, and their immediate families, who are eligible for medical care at American military hospitals anywhere in the world.


As President, Trump, Melania, Barron, Ivanka, Ivanka’s husband, Jared, and all three of their children, along with Donald Jr., Eric, and Tiffany are ALL entitled to free healthcare.   So, his family would still be taken care of even when Obama Care is gone.   And there’d be no whopping $100,000 or more hospital bill afterwards.   Sweet deal for $750.00 a year.

But YOU won’t get that! 

Which reminds me, I’d better do a Google search on whether Supreme Court Judges get free medical care?   I know I don’t.  I have to pay $144.00 a month out of my $1,367.00 a month Social Security check.   I wonder how much Trump gets a month in Social Security?

You do know he’s collecting Social Security, right?

A Tiny Kitten With A Big Mouth


Eliza D. Ankum


If Hunter Biden Made $3 Million? How Much Did Ivanka, Donald Jr. and Eric Make?


   Hunter Biden Net Worth:

             $3 Million

Maybe he’s paying his Taxes

A Tiny Kitten With A Big Mouth

Eliza D. Ankum
And I paid 4 times more in taxes, working as a Unit Clerk, in 2016 and 2017 than the President Of The United States Of America.  There’s something I never thought I’d write.

Wait A Minute. I’m Confused.

No.  Not about not wanting to take a Trump sponsored COVID Vaccine.  No, I’m pretty sure I don’t want to take one because of the constant wavering over what COVID is, how it’s spread, and the best treatment for it by a Trump manipulated CDC.

No, I’m confused because just last month, August 2020, Trump’s personal pick to head the US Treasury, Steve Mnuchin, along with Mitch McConnell were all over our television screens telling the American people that it was the Democrats using their Power, of numbers, who were holding up a second round of stimulus checks.

Which would have kept a lot of small business afloat.  But, have now gone out of business, permanently, because we didn’t get that second round of checks.  Because Trump wanted us to risk our lives and go back to work.

I’m confused because all of a sudden it’s the Republicans who have the Power of numbers.

What happened between August 2020 and September 2020?

All of a sudden the Democrats have no power to stop the Republicans from doing what Donald Trump really wants to them to do; appoint his third Supreme Court Judge.

What happened?  Did some of the Democrats die and no one told us?  Was there a massive power shift in Washington?

August 2020 the Republicans couldn’t send out a second round of stimulus checks because of the Powerful foot dragging Democrats.

Now, those same powerful foot dragging democrats don’t have enough POWER to stop Mitch McConnell and the Republicans from doing what Donald J. Trump wants them to do, in spite of the fact that it’s wrong.  Mitch McConnell even made a speech testifying to the fact that’s WRONG.

I’m confused.  Has the Republican Senate, under Donald J. Trump, abandoned all of their principles and put the United States in deep trouble?   I think so.  After all, under Mitch McConnell’s leadership they’ve given us:

A tweetorious and fictitious White House

A discredited FBI

A duplicitous Department of Justice

A damaged Postal Service

A compromised CDC

And now,

A one-sided Supreme Court

A Tiny Kitten With A Big Mouth

Eliza D. Ankum


I Can Laugh At It Now – Chicanos



I can laugh at that word, Chicanos, now.   And NOT for the reason you might expect.

Yes, I’m against illegal immigration.  But, I’m not against legal immigration.     

What I’m against is people who run away from their country because they are unwilling to fight for their rights in their home country, who then turn to this country, to fulfil their American Dream by demanding their rights in this one.  Rights, they haven’t fought for or died for.

And that’s truly why most Americans are against illegal immigration and get so upset when you demand your rights.

But what I’ve come to realize during Donald J. Trump’s administration is how little we know about each other and how we’re letting our ignorance of each other lead to suspicions, misunderstandings, and violence.

For instance, I watched you on television the other night celebrating Mexican Independence Day.  While I was overjoyed that you did it without looting, rioting, or destroying property, I was a little stymied that you would do that which such passion while demanding that the United States grant you full rights of citizenship.

And, while I saw a lot of young White Americans marching along with Black protestors – not looters and rioters – over the killings of unarmed Black Americans (who are protesting for their rights), I did not see a lot of Mexican Americans in those Black Lives Matter Protests.

Help us understand.  Because I know I was upset when I heard Donald J. Trump warning White Suburbanites, during the Republican Convention, that the Brown and Black hoard was coming to get them.

So, I’m suggesting you use one of those American Rights you’ve demanded, the right to vote,  and vote Donald J. Trump out of office.

Now about that word, Chicano.   I grew up in the Deep South, Latham, Alabama.  And I remember watching Walter Cronkite and Dan Rather on the News and hearing about the Chicano uprisings.

And I was puzzled!  Because I didn’t think there were that many Mexicans in Chicago.

Yes, I thought the word Chicano meant Mexicans who lived in Chicago.  Get it.  Chicago Mexicans = Chicanos.

Stop being terrorfied and Vote!

A Tiny Kitten With A Big Mouth

Eliza D. Ankum




Farwell To ‘The Notorious RBG’ Ruth Bader Ginsburg

She did her best to hang in there for us (we the people) and us (the United States of America).   Because, going full-speed backwards is never a good idea.

My Predictions

She did her best to hang in there for us (we the people) and us (the United States of America).   Because, going full-speed backwards is never a good idea.

Now, it’s up to us (we the people) not to let Donald Trump appoint another Judge to the Supreme Court that will catapult us (the United States) backwards to the 1950s while the rest of the World moves forward.  Let’s not get left behind.

Let’s remember when President Obama tried nominating a Supreme Court Judge in the final days of his presidency and what the Republicans did that got us Neil Gorsuch in 2017 and Brett Kavanagh in 2018.

Let’s not let it happen again.

Beware Mitch McConnell that Donald Trump doesn’t take his loss personally and make the link below a real scenario as he leaves office.

It won’t be the first one-term president.  And he, probably won’t be the last.

It’s a heads-up warning, not a threat.  Just a warning.

A Tiny Kitten With A Big Mouth
Eliza D. Ankum








Wednesday Night’s Republican National Convention

Wednesday night’s Republican National Convention offered up more of the same.



                 More Lies

Using Blacks as props


         Delusions of Grandiosity

No matter how many times it said, or who says it, I will never believe that Donald J. Trump is the only man who can save America.

Instead of trying to make us believe he’s Superman, and/or fall down on our trembling knees and worship him, why doesn’t he just get a damn good working plan!

And to Vice President Pence, you have no idea how many times in my life I’d had to make the choice of going along with an employer’s stupid and idiotic plan or grab my purse from my bottom desk drawer, and say, “I’m out of here.”

You should have done the same a long time ago.

A Tiny Kitten With A Big Mouth

Eliza D. Ankum