Kim Foxx and The Maywood Police

When four men pull up in front of your home, jump out of their cars carrying weapons, and start shooting at your house, knowing full well you’re in it, I call that attempted murder.

When you fire back, I call that defending yourself.

If however, you started the shootout by going to the homes of the four men who jumped out of the cars in front of your home, I call that everyone’s ass goes to jail on attempted murder, brandishing illegal firearms, gang violence, and disturbing the peace.  

I do not call it a free pass, because they ALL participated.

Kim Foxx needs to go back to Law School.

Her decision not to prosecute these men is as stupid as the Maywood Police allowing a family of stalkers to run free in the community for over thirty years and then telling me, that it’s all my fault.  When did I become a policewoman?

Under current Illinois law, as a private citizen, I can not arrest anyone for anything.  I could have kept asking you guys for help, but it became obvious after numerous attempts to have the stalkers arrested, you, like Kim Foxx, weren’t interested in arresting the people stalking me.

Or that you couldn’t do your job because if I ever learned that the stalkers were real, I’d go running amok through the neighborhood, spread obscene letters. 

In case you idiots haven’t realized it, I’m not 23 years old anymore.  I’m 68 years old and I’ve had two total knee replacement surgeries.  I’m not going to be running anywhere, spreading anything.

But, I will write and post truthful blog posts about you guys and Kim Foxx and about how Black citizens are crying out for help and you’re doing absolutely nothing!

A Tiny Kitten With A Big Mouth

Eliza D. Ankum

Author of

Flight 404 – A Novel of Aviation Disaster
Ruby Sanders (The Ruby and Jared Saga Book 1)
Jared Anderson (The Ruby and Jared Saga Book 2)
Ruby and Jared (The Ruby and Jared saga Book 3)
OneThreeThirteen – A Presidential Agent Novel Series Book 1
The Hunt For Red November  A Presidential Agent Novel Series Book 2
Mr. President – A Presidential Agent Novel Series Book 3

Dancing With The Fat Woman
Thou Shalt Eat Dust – A Second Chance Love Story
Eleanor Grunsback – An Ugly Woman’s Love Story
STALKED! By Voices
A Tiny Kitten With A Big Mouth

General Mark Milley

This is when I first noticed General Mark Milley. January 8, 2020. It was that stare!

Personally, I feel that General Mark Milley deserves this nation’s thanks and gratitude for his unfailing patriotism to the United States Of America.

He has proven again and again how far he’s willing to go keeping us safe while guaranteeing us life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  While simultaneously insuring that the democratic republic of American continues to exist as it did before Donald J. Trump and the Trump Republicans.

And then there was his stance against the Republicans, a few months ago, for his refusal not to educate young West Point career soldiers in Critical Race Theory and what led to the January 6th Insurrection. 

General Milley stood firm against the Republicans insistence on removing certain books and learning materials from their curriculum. 

In other words, the current Republican Senators think it’s a good idea to have a bunch of butt dumb military leaders who can’t read a book beyond the high school level.

General Milley stood firm on his conviction to educate the young men and women who would lead this country in a few years.

And, General Milley was not the only one who felt Donald J. Trump was out of his mind.  So out of his mind that he was in danger of escalating his Tariff war with China into a Nuclear war with China. 

I remember saying to myself after listening to one of Donald Trump’s vile attacks on China, “my little fat, chubby butt isn’t going to do a real-life Walking Dead scenario, while he and Melania sit, safe and secure, in the Presidential Bunker, eating steak and drinking champagne, while the rest of us – the United States – stumble around in the nuclear dark looking for food.”

Now, if you think that if Donald Trump had dropped a bomb on China that would have eliminated COVID, you’re DEAD WRONG!

We would have had COVID anyway. 

There are just far too many people in this country and other allied countries telling immigrants that they have the right to trample across our borders without regards to our laws.  And the immigrants are doing so.

The more immigrants, the more tent cities there are.  And the more these tent cities will lead to the increase chances of Trench Fever.

We would have had to endure a nuclear war and COVID 19, at the same time.  Humanity would have been on the brink of survival.

General Mark Milley was there, holding us back!

Here’s why President Biden sent the Haitians back.  And truthfully, he never should have brought the 125,000 Afghans into the country either.  But, the Press was all over him to save these people.

And as much as I admire Russian President Putin for taking Russia from the verge of bankruptcy and imminent demise, I saw a direct connection to his visits to Syria, Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala with the increase of immigrants from these areas and their sudden, unexplained need to immigrant to America

Which is why I was and am against their immigration to this country.  I think we can expect a lot of domestic terrorism in the future.

On Afghanistan:

Honestly, I felt that once President Biden had made the announcement that he was pulling the last of the US military troops out of Afghanistan that he and the Generals should have moved with all haste to get every American, military and otherwise, out of Afghanistan, immediately.

And the week and half, slower than molasses, removal of the military was an opportunity for disaster.  I kept yelling at the TV, “Get the solders out.  Get them out, now!”

A Tiny Kitten With A Big Mouth

Eliza D. Ankum
Author of

To Buy, click here

Flight 404 – A Novel of Aviation Disaster
Ruby Sanders (The Ruby and Jared Saga Book 1)
Jared Anderson (The Ruby and Jared Saga Book 2)
Ruby and Jared (The Ruby and Jared saga Book 3)
OneThreeThirteen – A Presidential Agent Novel Series Book 1
The Hunt For Red November  A Presidential Agent Novel Series Book 2
Mr. President – A Presidential Agent Novel Series Book 3
Dancing With The Fat Woman
Thou Shalt Eat Dust – A Second Chance Love Story
Eleanor Grunsback – An Ugly Woman’s Love Story
STALKED! By Voices
A Tiny Kitten With A Big Mouth

I’m Back!

I am back, readers.  And the first thing you need to know is that I am no longer a citizen of the Village of Maywood, Illinois.

Now that doesn’t mean that I’m no longer being stalked.  Because I am.  Some members of that same OCD, psychopathic riddled family who stalked me in Latham, Alabama, Maywood, Illinois, and New Orleans, Louisiana also made the move here to Berwyn, Illinois.

But, that just made it very clear what I’ve been saying for decades, “I’m not stalking them.  They’re stalking me. 

I also want to make it very clear that I did not leave my home voluntarily.  I was kicked out of Maywood because the Village officials didn’t want to deal with either me nor the stalkers.

Less than an hour after posting the blog post, An End Of An Era Of Mismanagement, my old landlord was coming through the door with an eviction notice that laughably had hand written at the bottom: This is not an eviction notice.  But still read that we had to be out of the building by August 1st or the Sheriff’s men would set our belongings out on the street.

According to that letter, the building had been sold and the new owner wanted to begin much needed renovations by the first week in August.

Well, here it is 3 days away from October 1st and not a single hammer, nail, or paintbrush has been laid to the apartment building picture above, where I used to live. 

I miss my home. But, sitting here in Berwyn I realize I was right about Yarbrough, Perkins, and The Village Of Maywood officials.

A Tiny Kitten With A Big Mouth

Eliza D. Ankum

Things That Caught My Eye While I Was Without Internet Access

Aside from the major problem of not being able to get another apartment because of ‘my bad reputation’, and having to move-in with my step-mother which I knew would be problematic. There was another problem that I knew would, over time, become major. 

My step-mother already had cable and Xfinity does not allow two different cable lines in the same home.  So, for the last three weeks, I’ve been without internet access.  Right now, I’m blogging from my nephew’s laptop.

But here are some stories that caught my eye during that time:

1. Those skimpy ass leotards worn by female athletes during the Olympics.  Guys grow up.  It’s an athletic event not a beauty pageant.  Those skimpy outfits are sexually exploitive and invite sexual harassment.  When you watch the girls performing in these skimpy outfits one can understand how Dr. Nasser knew he could sexually assault these young girls, for years, without consequences.  They’d already been groomed by the rules of the sport. And that rule:  They have to wear sexually exploitive outfits.

2. Governor Cuomo.  Let me say that when the accusations first came out, all I could think was that the whole situation looked and sounded like a very low blow done by the Trump organization as a means of making an opening for Trump’s no-brained son.   And the last thing New York or this country needed as another red-necked, lying through his teeth, my way or the highway Trump in office. 

3.  The fires in Oregon, Washington, California, Arizona, and Idaho.  People let us consider that maybe, just maybe, God had a reason – to prevent forest fires –for putting the lakes and rivers where he did. 

Now that we’ve lost so many towns and homes to the fires, it might be time to lose some of those damn dams and re-route the rivers back to where God had put them.   Or burn.

4.  Afghanistan.  There used to be a word for it.  Molly-coddling.

I think the media and the Republicans, especially Mitch McConnell, are making a mountain out of a mole hill.  A dangerous mole hill, yes, but a mole hill none-the-less.   

For twenty years the people of Afghanistan have said to us that they want us out of their country.  And for twenty years we resisted.  For twenty years we did the heavy lifting of fighting their battle against the Taliban and ISIS, educating their children, and introducing them to the modern world.  And what did they do during those 20 years.  Not a damn thing!  

And when we needed them to stand on their own two feet, we unfortunately found out they didn’t have a leg to stand on.  We’d molly-coddled or over-protected them to the point that they’d learned to be helpless.   And that, ladies and gentlemen is what we’re seeing on our television screens.   If the Taliban is willing to step up and rule their country, let them rule it. 

Maybe the Afghanistan people will get pissed off enough to stand up against the Taliban.

I would have preferred we’d left Afghanistan the same way the British left Hong Kong, with much music and fanfare, covering the screaming and wailing of the frightened people the British left behind,  But we didn’t get to go out that way.   We stayed to long and lost that opportunity.

I’m just happy we’re leaving.  God knows we need those same ‘battle hardened’ troops on our southern border.  Because we are being over-run with Central American and Mexican immigrants. 

We The People, want our troops where they’re need.  Not where it ‘looks good’ for them to be.

A Tiny Kitten With A Big Mouth


Eliza D. Ankum
For more than 40 years, I have stood up against people lying to my and telling me that I’m crazy and only imaging being stalked.  During those 40 years, I’ve lost countless jobs, friends, lovers, partial sight, two knees, several teeth, and a lot of my dignity, and now my home.  But, I stood.  I know how costly standing up can be.  And, yes, I’d do it again.

And Author of

Flight 404 – A Novel of Aviation Disaster
Ruby Sanders (The Ruby and Jared Saga Book 1)
Jared Anderson (The Ruby and Jared Saga Book 2)
Ruby and Jared (The Ruby and Jared saga Book 3)
OneThreeThirteen – A Presidential Agent Novel Series Book 1
The Hunt For Red November  A Presidential Agent Novel Series Book 2
Mr. President – A Presidential Agent Novel Series Book 3
Dancing With The Fat Woman
Thou Shalt Eat Dust – A Second Chance Love Story
Eleanor Grunsback – An Ugly Woman’s Love Story
STALKED! By Voices
A Tiny Kitten With A Big Mouth

That 4th Of July Party

Is that red, WHITE, and blue 4th Of July Party with a mega fireworks show worth your young, Black life?


Google search questions: Where was the first fourth of July celebration with a fireworks display held?

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The first-ever recorded Fourth of July party was held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on July 4, 1777, and like Adams had envisioned, included illuminations, bells, a parade, and explosions. Apr 20, 2021

And the Blacks at the celebration wore these:

Careful, what you lay down your life for this weekend.

Please, please, please, stay home. And keep it simple!

Don’t broadcast your happiness or your riches. There are people in this world, who exist for the sole purpose of destroying your happiness and or wealth. It’s what they were bred for.

A Tiny Kitten With A Big Mouth


Eliza D. Ankum

Megan McCain Quit The View

Megan McCain gave Notice today on The View. 

I, for one am not surprised.  I remember the day that this happened. 

I remember thinking that if this had been me,  Bob Chapek would have called me into the office, even if I had had to take a plane, a train, or a boat to get there, and chewed my ass out, and then ground my bones into a fine dust.  

Because Megan McCain, so wanting to be right, missed a golden, once in a lifetime opportunity, to interview Whoopi Goldberg, live, and on the air.  I was expecting the next words out of Megan’s mouth to be, “Whoopi, tell me why you feel that way.”  And when they weren’t, I thought, “Girl, you need to change fields.  If it’s that important for you to be right, then you need to choose Politics and not the Talk Show Media route.” 

Because when the show goes back live and in studio in the Fall, one of those Bobs (Bob Iger and/or Bob Chapek ) is going to be standing there and they’re going to be thinking, “I’m not interested in your being right.  I’m interested in someone’s ass being in the chair and being interviewed.  And today, that was Whoopi.  And you fuc _ _ _ _ missed it!”

Megan, as far as your quitting The View, you made the right choice.  Politics, not a media talk show, is definitely the right choice for you. 

Kamala, take notice.

A Tiny Kitten With A Big Mouth


Eliza D. Ankum

To buy on Amazon, Click here

Bill Cosby, Freed!

I just finished watching the News detailing that Bill Cosby’s sexual conviction has been overturned.

Honestly people, sometimes I don’t know whether to laugh and jump for joy or lay down and have a good cry.

A Tiny Kitten With A Big Mouth


Eliza D. Ankum

STALKED By Voices: A True Crime Memoir by [Eliza D. Ankum]

After 40 years of being stalked, maligned, and verbally harassed I still can’t get the Police, the Cook County State’s Attorney, nor the Illinois State’s Attorney to bring my case. And because of that, I am still being loudly verbally harassed. Also, recently sent notice that I must vacate my home of 11 years.

Imagine, someone following you around for decades screaming and demanding that you live your life the way they demand you live it. And they’re not your parents! They’re complete strangers who say they know more about you than you do.


As of August 1, 2021 I will be homeless.

For the first time since 1991, when the people stalking me got me fired from my job at Exxon Company, U.S.A. in New Orleans, Louisiana where I fled to get away from them, I will be homeless, again.

My homelessness will not be from not paying my rent during the 2020-21 COVID Isolation.  I’m on Social Security and received my Social Security check every month.  And I promptly paid my rent and utilities. 

No, my homelessness, the landlord tells me is because they’re selling the building and the new owner wants everyone out. But, I believe it’s because the landlord, the other tenants in the building, and the other families on the street where I live have just become tired of listening to the insane stalker family screaming at the top of their lungs day and night.  Every day!

And that fact, their stalking me and their constant screaming, has made it impossible finding another place to live.

Therefore, I’ll be putting my things in storage – knowing full well that the crazy stalker family will more than likely break into my storage unit and smash and destroy as much as possible – and camp out on other people’s floors until they, too, get tired of the screaming.  And then, I’ll move on to the next.

I’m looking for a 1 or 2 bedroom apartment in either Maywood, Bellwood, Broadview, or Hillside for $900.00 a month.

Eliza D. Ankum
Author & Couch Surfer

Infrastructure Collapse!


As many of you know, I’ve been writing about Infrastructure hoping to do my part in helping President Biden get the much need infrastructure bill passed.

I was all set to write about the 220,000 major bridges in America that are in much need of repair, when the pedestrian bridge collapsed in Washington, DC.

So, I turned my attention away from that topic, which I considered had received all the attention necessary.  

Instead, I thought I’d do a blogpost on Florida high rises, which I felt were in extreme danger (especially the ones in Miami after watching the PBS Special H2O: The Molecule That Made Us) from underground seawater intrusion that made them extremely vulnerable to toppling over in strong storms and hurricanes, when this happened.

Again, I changed directions. 

Finally hitting upon the idea of writing about how politicians are more worried about losing their jobs and/or power more than they’re concerned about what’s good for America and its citizens.  And how we need to build some roads and bridges in the U.S. Republican dominated Senate.

But, then I thought, “How guilty am I going to feel if either Mitch McConnell or Kevin McCarthy topples over.” 

So, I thought I’d write about not writing about anything.

Eliza D. Ankum

Discreet: The Black College Girl Murders

Infrastructure – Those Damn Dams

The Hoover Dam

As the west and southwest broil , today, under temperatures well over a hundred degrees It’s easy to understand why they’re suffering such severe heat and a series of droughts once you know that there are a number of man-made things that have brought on these conditions. 

The number one reason the west and southwest are suffering is not just climate change, it’s Dam Building.

Followed by deforestation.  Cutting down most of the trees and clearing the land of its native grasses in order to have more land on which to plant crops.

And thirdly, using enormous amounts of water in order to sustain those crops that don’t give back in terms of water evaporating back into the air.  

Let’s start our look at the problem, with dams. Those damn, dams.

How can dams cause drought?

Dam building – large dams can be built across a river to produce electricity and store water in a reservoir.  This can reduce river water flowing downstream and cause drought below the dam. This leaves the ground vulnerable to erosion and desertification which can lead to drought.

How many dams does California have?

1,500 dams

The fact is, however, there are nearly 1,500 dams in California. At least 1,000 are major, and 55 can hold 100,000 acre-feet or more of water.

How many dams does Texas have?

7,300 dams

The challenges confronting the state’s infrastructure of dams is underscored by the fact that Texas has more than 7,300 dams, more than any other state. There is, in fact, only one natural lake in the entire state of Texas.

How many dams does Colorado have?

115 dams with 15 dams on the Colorado River. I strongly suspect there are more than 115 dams in Colorado, but they’re not listed on the state’s bridge registry, more than likely, because they’re privately owned.

How many dams does Arizona have?

400 dams

Approximately 130 of the over 400 dams in Arizona are classified as high hazard potential.

How many dams does New Mexico have?

515 dams

There are 515 Dams in New Mexico.

How many dams does Nevada have?

657 dams

When significant and low hazard dams are included Nevada records show 657 dams in the state.

How many dams does Utah have?

386 Dams

There are 386 Dams in Utah.

How many dams does Oklahoma have?

4,700 dams

Oklahoma has the fifth-largest dam inventory in the United States. Ownership of the 4,700 dams is largely split between government agencies and private entities, including individual owners and other organizations like homeowner’s associations.

How many dams does Nebraska have?

2,800 dams

There are over 2,800 dams on the Nebraska Dam Inventory, the vast majority of which are earthen embankment dams.

18,373 dams

That is a heck of a lot of dams, diverting an enormous amount of water from its natural courses.

The west and southwest obviously forgot their history lesson.  The one taught by the Great Dust Bowl.

Sometimes updating infrastructure can mean tearing down something that was
once thought to be a great idea.   But time, proved it a disaster in the making

A Tiny Kitten With A Big Mouth


Eliza D. Ankum