Mind Reading – CBS’ 60 Minutes

I hope everyone was able to catch tonight’s 60 Minutes broadcast.  It was phenomenal.

Just one problem.

Back when I was working at Rush University Medical Center, there was one young man, as I wrote in a previous blog post, who was truly honest with me about my situation..  And there were two things that he said to me that I tried to hold onto..

One was, “Find out why all of a sudden they want to help you (with the stalking), when they didn’t give a rat’s ass about you before.  Why now?”

Second was, “Above all, don’t tell them anything about how it’s done.  They’ll use it against us (regular people).”

As Doctor Marcel Just, said himself at the end of the piece,  that appears to be the case.

I didn’t endure all these years of non-stop screaming, stalking, and humiliation just so some scientist could find a way to inflict the same thing on other people.  What I’d hoped for, short of a bullet to the head of the mind-reading stalkers, was that  perhaps, science might come up with a way to stop the mind readers of this world from invading our minds.

It seems PRIVACY is headed for the auction block.    I know mine – mind – was sold.  Just how much?


Also on 60 Minutes tonight was a segment about a young father and his daughter who drowned crossing the bridge at Matamoros, Mexico.

In that segment, I saw a few photos from this book:  It made me wonder why CBS had chosen to run the segments on Mind Reading with the drowning at Matamoros.   #TheWetOnes”







Impeachment Hearings – Round 1

I’m sitting here at home and I literally can’t believe what I’m hearing.

It’s like the Republicans have taken a page out of the stalkers’ playbook and are desperately trying to get Ambassador Taylor to say he didn’t hear what he heard!



A Tiny Kitten With A Big Mouth
Eliza D. Ankum

P.S. No, I didn’t get my car fixed that’s why I’m home.  It’s the first time in a long, long, long time that I’ve been at home this long.  I like it!

I Thought I Hit A Rock – The Cost

Now, if you read my last posts, I Thought I hit A Rock, and the emails, and you think that the stalkers attempt on my life is about as bad as it can get, you’d be wrong.

There are other ways to kill a person or a person’s success.
Let me show you how.  .

Not only did I have to pay the water bill, even though I truly believed it was faked, because in the Village of Maywood, when your water bill gets to $300.00 and it hasn’t been paid, they cut your water off.   I’ve experience that, as you know, from the following posts and my water bill was, at the time my water was shut off, completely and to date.  And not having running water in your apartment is no fun at all, not to mention expensive.  I felt like a downtrodden Cleopatra, taking a bath in bottled water.

But seriously, I think the stalkers are trying to buy themselves more hollering time, because people are getting suspicious.

When I meet someone for the very first time, talk a little and then walk away, the first thing people usually whisper – loud enough for me to hear – is, “She doesn’t smell bad.  So, why are those people running around her house screaming like that?”  Reputation killer.  Who’s going to invite you to anything if they think you’re going to show up smelling like a homeless bag woman.

The other way it gets worse is, having paid nearly $250.00 for water for one month, I do have money saved that I could use to repair my car, again, but I’m honestly tired of having to spend money to repair all the property and financial damages done by the stalkers.  There goes money for writing seminars and training.  Car (transportation) damage is close to $4,000.00.:






Well, I did have to do it, again.  To the tune of $800.00 this year in late May.  Now another big money repair.  And don’t forget, I have less than 65,000 miles on my car.

And even if I did want to shell out the money, my mechanic is afraid to work on my car because he doesn’t want those people coming around his house, stalking and screaming the way they do at mine.

So, I’ve decided to just sit here and do nothing.   The plus side of that is, I might finish my new novel, Mr. President, before the end of the year.

A couple of last thoughts in case you think, my stalking and the harassment these people are doing to me It’s Just My Imagination.   Consider

Maywood Police Department


Maywood Water Department



Maywood Library
Every computer and laptop in my home froze at the exact same time and I had to use the library to continue working on my blogs and novels


Utilities.  Let’s talk about how the stalkers conned, not only the Maywood Water Department, but other utilities as well.

Nicor Gas Company

Somehow, Nicor was under the impression that I owned the apartment building where I live.  And that I was responsible for paying the gas bill for all of the apartments.  And when I hadn’t, they shut my gas off.   I had to pay an additional whopping $400.00 in order to get my gas turned back on.



Was $538.00.  I’d moved into my apartment back in June of 2009.  I paid ComEd $125.00 to transfer my service and never received another bill.  I assumed my landlord was paying for the electricity since I was paying for water and heat.   With that in mind, I was very careful about not leaving the lights on and using too much electricity.  Good thing I was, because in June of 2010, I received by first bill from ComEd, $538.00, for electrical service from 6/1/2009 to 6/1/2010.

Comcast Cable a subsidiary of Excelon, known locally as ComEd

My Comcast bill, in June of 2011, that’s after I purchased my car and started my blog, went from $102.00 a month (Digital Starter with HBO and Internet) to $150.00 a month (Digital Starter / Internet/ but without HBO or any other premium channel).   It’s taken three years and cutting of the entire service to get it back down.  Although, now I find my interest in cable TV quite low.

And then there’s my personal life






Non-existent.   Reputation is too bad.  And, frankly, they too, are afraid of the stalkers.

And to think, I started writing to keep myself entertained because all other avenues had been closed to me.

Eliza D. Ankum
Author of
Flight 404 – A Novel of Aviation Disaster
Ruby Sanders (The Ruby and Jared Saga Book 1)
Jared Anderson (The Ruby and Jared Saga Book 2)
Ruby and Jared (The Ruby and Jared saga Book 3)
OneThreeThirteen – A Presidential Agent Novel Series Book 1
The Hunt For Red November  A Presidential Agent Novel Series Book 2
Dancing With The Fat Woman
Thou Shalt Eat Dust – A Second Chance Love Story
Eleanor Grunsback – An Ugly Woman’s Love Story

A Woman’s Voice: A Little Book of Poems
STALKED! By Voices
A Tiny Kitten With A Big Mouth