Patting Himself On The Back

Image courtesy of The Montgomery Sentinel

President Trump is back on TV again this morning busy patting himself on the back telling Americans that, “Nobody has ever done anything like this.  No other President has ever faced anything like this.  I think I’ve done a marvelous job.”


Trump has just found another way to put us in the midst of a war.

Two months ago, he was fully engaged in getting us into a war with Iraq – remember Qasem Soleimani – so that he could get his face on national television and tell America that he was a wartime President and we needed him to guide us, Americans, through a time of crisis.

Bottom lining it, here is a man who is willing to push this amazing country over the precipice in order to make himself look good to the country, gratify his ego, and get himself re-elected President.

I really don’t want him walking over the corpses of thousands of dead Americans, Chinese, Italians, and other foreigners back into the Oval Office.

“Nobody has ever done as much in three years as I have done.”   Donald J. Trump

Thank God, they haven’t!

A Tiny Kitten With A Big Mouth

Eliza D. Ankum








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