What Only A Few People Know About Me

See, It thought that title might intrigue you.

But, there is a secret about me that only a few people know.  And here it is:

Do you remember when the show Designated Survival, yes that again, premiered on ABC?  Well, if you do, you are probably one of the thousands of people who rushed out and bought the book below.

And it’s a really good book.  I’ve even read it.  Because it got better ratings than mine.  Also, it’s opening scene of the shoot-out in the Capitol Rotunda is fantastic.  But, and I’ve heard people say this, it doesn’t contain the scene where the Capitol Building is blown up.

Of course not!  Because it’s in this book.

It starts with Chapter 42 but Chapter 18 tells you a bit about the bomber.

onethreethirteen – Chapter 18




And then, there’s this:

And the title for this iconic and thankfully wonderful 24 Movie is taken from the last sentence of Chapter 41


See the British flag in back of Kieffer Sutherland.  That’s in Chapter 8


And remember yesterday I wrote about how Hollywood will change your story to suit what the director thinks is best for the story he wants to tell.  Well, they did in this one also.  They used drones instead of a weather machine.  And all I can say, to this day, about that is, “Darn!  I wished I’d thought of that.”

And the last thing I’d like to share with you new writers is, let Hollywood ‘steal’ some of your work.  Don’t be adverse to it.  Just make sure everyone knows its yours.  Because, that way, they’ll know where to come when they need a scene.

But, start saving now, before you’ve written anything, the incredible $2,500.00 fee that’s required to join the Writers Guild of America, East or West.  https://www.wga.org/

Otherwise, you will not get paid for your work!   And that, not the theft, is the hardest pill to swallow.

And keep writing. 

Don’t let the world dissuade you.  There were several things said to me when it first became known that I was actually the writer behind the elizabooks logo.  And they were, “It can’t be you.  You don’t know anything about writing a book.”    Or, when Thou Shalt Eat Dust came out, “You’ve never been to Phoenix.  And the mayor is White.”  But the best one, said to me repeatedly, and that I still think about sometimes was, “You don’t look like a writer?”

What does a writer look like?

Maybe this guy?

John Green’s Guide to Common Spelling and Grammar Errors

A Tiny Kitten With A Big Mouth
Eliza D. Ankum


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