Should Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Step Down? No!

Like some of you, I have been stuck in the house with a non-life threatening case of COVID-19.  And as such, I’ve been staying in and watching a lot of TV.

So, I’m very much aware of the Anjanette Young case. 

Chicago Police Raid On Anjanette Young’s Home

And that some Chicago activists and religious leaders are calling for Mayor Lori Lightfoot to step down because of the way she handled the case.

Before I go any further, let me say to all those reading this post that I do not live in Chicago.   I live in one of its western suburbs.  I live in Maywood, Illinois where former Mayor Henderson Yarbrough and current Mayor Edweena Perkins have handled a bad Police case far worse than Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot.  And Perkins is still Mayor.  And up for re-election in March or April of 2021.   I don’t really know which month the election is in because I have no intention whatsoever of voting for her. I mean how long can you get away with saying you don’t know what’s going on in the streets you’ve been elected to serve.  Give me a break.

Lightfoot, did not do as Perkins (along with former Mayor Henderson Yarbrough, Senator Durkin, Congressman Davis, State Senator Lightford, and State Representative Welch) did me and tell Miss Young that she only imagined the raid on her home and deny her all access to Police help and or victim compensation.

Mayor Lightfoot did not tell nor try and force Anajanette Young into having unneeded psychiatric counseling for her wild imagination.   

Nor did Mayor Lightfoot allow the Police to continue carrying out raids on Miss Young’s home in an effort to keep her quiet.  Nor did she allow the Police to continue raiding Miss Young’s home as a means of humiliating her and damaging her personal reputation to reduce her creditability in court.

I would say to Chicagoans that before you allow these so called activists and religious leaders to convince you to throw out a Mayor who has stood firm against Donald Trump, the invasion of the US Military, and led you through the COVID pandemic, that you ask yourself where these same activists and religious leaders when Eliza Ankum was desperately looking for help.  

And yes, I know that sounds self-serving, but where were they?

Why weren’t they out here, in Maywood, asking Former Mayor Yarbrough, current Mayor Perkins, and Chief of Police Talley why they were allowing someone with obvious mental health problems to stalk and verbally harass a working, contributing member of society.  Was it because it was two Black women?  And not a White on Black crime?  Is that the only kind of crime they see?

Oh, I know.  It’s because they’ve never heard of it.  Even though it’s been going on every day since November of 1991.

Where were they?

So, watching the News, I can help but wonder, what is their true motive for trying to get Mayor Lightfoot to stepdown?   

Are they anti-gay?  I’m being stalked and verbally harassed by a Gay woman and I’m not anti-Gay.

Are they trying to get justice for Miss Young or money for their pet projects? 

If they want to help Miss Young, why not get her another apartment.  One far from where the raid took place and have Miss Young’s lawyer send the bill to the Mayor.   

 If it’s for money, they need to be aware that Chicago just doesn’t have it.

Or do they really believe a White man would manage Chicago any better? 

Yes, I ask myself these questions, because I honestly am not getting the vibe that they’ve come to Miss Young’s aid as a Black Lives Matter thing.   I’m not believing it, because they haven’t set one foot out here in Maywood as far as I know.  Not once.

Not a single solitary one of these activists or religious leaders has ever knocked on my door and asked me what I needed.  Not a single one. 

And while we’re at it, neither has Yarbrough, Perkins, Durbin, Davis, Lightford, or Welch.  Not a single solitary one.

In my opinion, if you’re going to ask Lightfoot to step down because of the way Black women are treated here in Illinois, then ALL of our current politicians should stepdown.

And by the way, I think it’s reprehensible the way our current host of politicians allow that mentally ill woman to carry on in the streets and Churches of Maywood and in the stores of Melrose Park the way that they do.  COVID-19 is not the only reason I stay locked inside my home. 

I experience, every day of my life, what Anjanette Young experienced for one night. 

At least, she wasn’t jailed, repeatedly, the way I’ve been for asking for help. 

I say, change the way the Police go about doing their job.  Not your Mayor.  After all, a couple of little things called COVID-19 and 2021 Presidential Election might have taken her focus off of the Anjanette Young case. 

PS  When a 23 year old woman (of whatever color) walks into a Police Station and says she needs help because she’s been followed everywhere she goes and the Police officer tells her he has a hard time believing that but they’ll check it out.   And when they go and check with who they think is the young woman’s mother and that mother tells them that it’s OK for them to allow a family of sexual predators to follow her daughter.  That should have set off a lot of red flags.  But, these cops laughed it off.  Until, a little book entitled, STALKED! By Voices, catches the world’s attention.

I’d like to encourage Anjanette Young to start a blog and write a book.

A Tiny Kitten With A Big Mouth

Eliza D. Ankum

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