It’s All Of Our Fault (A Long Read)

Perhaps, the sole burden for the COVI-19 Pandemic should not fall on President Trump’s and China’s economic war, alone.

We, as a country and we, as the World, are all responsible.

We saw what Basir al-Assad and Vladimir Putin were doing to the people of Syria, and we didn’t do a thing about it.

And we saw what was going on in Central America, Mexico, Libya, and the Sudan and we did nothing about it.

I think this Pandemic is the result of our unwillingness to drag the leaders of Syria, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Libya, and the Sudan to the UN table for talks, along, with our over extension of mercy for those peoples effected.

What do I mean by that?  Take a look at the pictures below.   These camps – which should have been broken up ages ago, and the refugees returned to their home lands, under UN Peace Keeping Forces, are nothing more than a virus (pandemic) breeding ground..

This was Italy’s:  And we wonder why the COVID-19 Virus hit them so hard.

You can read one such article about the camps by clicking here.

This was France’s notorious Calais Jungle.

You can read more about it by, clicking here.

This is Germany’s refugee camp (one of the best) but still not completely sanitary.

And to see what some of the other camps in Germany look like, Click here

Greece’s Moria Refugee Camp

To read more about Moria, click here

US – Mexican Southern border

We have allowed mercy, instead of good old common sense, to convince us into doing something that was completely idiotic.  Letting plague camp on our doorsteps.   And now we are paying the price.

In my new novel, Mr. President, coming out soon, the JSOC Team goes to al-Tanf Syria to rescue a former president.

While I was researching the area, I came across this refugee camp, Al-Waleed.  One of the worst.  And some of the refugees in this camp, once cleared for future US citizenship, fly into New York.

To get an unbiased report on al-Waleed, click here

And also, there is Al Rukban Refugee Camp.  To read more about al-Rukban, click here

Here is Australia’s refugee camp. 

To read more, click here

I am going to admit that I am still not 100% to the point of believing that the COVID virus started in China.  Because, I wondered, how would the refugees get into China?  But, looking at the little globe that I keep on my desk, I see that it’s highly possible that they just walked in like they did elsewhere.  But, I’m skeptical because China is very restrictive of refugees.   And the city image below is of Wuhan, China where the virus is said to have started.

Now, if Trump’s government had told me that the virus had started in one of China’s refugee camps (which they don’t have even though they say they are willing to take refugees, they’ve only ever sponsored a handful, at best.) I would have believed them more.

This 2015 image of the China-Myanmar border.refugee camp was the most recent image I could find.  Now, I would have believe a virus started here:

And even with this said, I’m still not cutting President Trump nor the United Nations a break.  Because he, with their insistence – Nikki Haley – could have led us to a better, not worse, resolve of the real issue here, land and power grabs at the expense of the people.

I’m going to be honest here and admit that for a long time, I was a fan of Vladimir Putin.  But somewhere, along the lines, I think he went off the rails.  And the picture at the end of this blog post says it ALL as proof of what I wrote earlier, that this refugee problem is about a land and power grab.  This last blog post was written in 2015.

STOP BLAMING THE CHINESE!  We ALL had a hand in it.

A Tiny Kitten With A Big Mouth

Eliza D. Ankum


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